October 20, 2011

Day 06. Handwrite a favorite curse word.

WTF??? This challege have a lot of handwritting stuff... fuck that! I'm not gonna do it!!! you know what? I'm tired of this shit, screw you fuckin' twatter who wrote that stupid retarded challenge... I'm out of here!!! fuck!

October 19, 2011

Day 05. 10 songs that will always be a part of your life.

Smashing Pumpkins - Zero
Smashing Pumpkins - Where Boys Fear To Tread
Smashing Pumpkins - Bodies
Smashing Pumpkins - XYU
Deftones - RX Queen
Deftones - Drive (Far Away)
Deftones - You've Seen The Butcher
Silversun Pickups - Lazy Eye
Bloc Party - Banquet
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Déjà Vu

October 17, 2011

Day 04. A picture of what’s in your bag.

Sorry about the dealy, but anyway, this is the pic of the challenge for this day.

So, a notebook from the company I work, is the big red one in the bottom, in that book there is only shit about my job, the little one is from the bank where I work, there is some personal notes there, notes for my book, ideas, shit like that, my personale dental care kit is the blue one, a pen, the keys with my Boston keyring and a book, always a book with me, this one a friend borrow me, he said that this one is for engineers is about nuclear weapons, I guess, 'cause honestly I've read only like 12 pages.

October 10, 2011

Day 03. A picture of your calligraphy (A to Z and in upper and lower case).

Day 03. A picture of your calligraphy (A to Z and in upper and lower case).

I don't care what the challenge says... I'm not gonna write the whole alphabet, so here it is a pic of my work notebook, if you don't understand a shit, don't worry, I don't understand either, I hate banking!

October 5, 2011

Day 02. The last dream you remember having.

I have 3 actually, first one was a couple of friends were sleeping in my house, right now my dad is making some adjustments in the house, so they're broking some walls and shit like that, but in my dream my room was a mess, with leaks everywhere and a huge corner completely destroyed, from where emerging the most humongous ants I've ever seen!!! gross!

Not as funny as they look

October 4, 2011

365 days challenge - Day 1

I had a plan, write stories about people, just random people I meet over the years and the miles, but then I found this challenge via this blog, so I ask myself... Myself, why not?

So, here we go.

Day 01. A recent picture of you and 20 facts about yourself.

September 20, 2011

So the ninth was my B-day

Past friday the celebration of my birthday finally end! why? 'cause actually my 
birthday was the friday two weeks ago, but I couldn't make it to the mine so they celebrate on monday, but one friend had his birthday yesterday so we'd celebration together past friday, if you can call a lunch a 'celebration'

So like I was saying...

My birthday was on the 9th or should I say "crappy birthday"? Thursday night I got sick, intoxicated, and also had leaks in my room, my dad is building the third floor so we were roofless that day, and rained, so it was a fuckin' swimming pool my room, but that wasn't the worst, my terrible stomach ache didn't allow me to sleep, next day, my birthday I'd to get up at 6am, I took a bath, get ready and then the smell of my breakfast make me sick again, so I choose to not going to work, I spent the whole morning just trying to sleep, then my father woke me up, he had a present for me, a shirt, and also my mom had a present, a new brand closet, so I spent almost all my afternoon trying to figure it out how to build that awesome piece of shit. Doesn't have doors yet 'cause I'm a fuckin' idiot and couldn't figure it out how to put them in, my father told me that the fuckin' closet was misconstructed, doesn't have the holes to put the screws.... so I'll have to do the motherfuckers by myself, I don't know how to use a drill so I think the joke is complete... I'm screwed!

Now it's completed!

September 7, 2011

There is a Mountain that doesn't allow me to see the Andes

Watching a mountain everyday is a good thing? I don't know, I just realized today that I have a freakin' mountain in my window, why? I started to work in this office like 1 month ago, any previous work wasn't in that condition... geographically speaking, so is a curious thing that maybe that kind of details that some will enjoy, you just don't care at all.

So what is to being a tourist in this city? how the hell would I know? is my hometown I don't see this town the way a foreign can, it's impossible! I remember every single city I've visited until today, actually is a very short list, I love to travel, but travel doesn't like me, probably one also get used to travel, in a way that every single city looks just like another TV Channel, why we have to get used to things?

Even cows want to visit this city

August 31, 2011

Harvey Dent for mayor of Bogotá - 01

So if you thought that this blog would be pretend to be funny every single time (notice the 'pretend' I know ain't funny at all) you're sadly wrong... let's be serious for a moment, maybe that way I can get more hits.

Anymilkyway, if you don't know who is Harvey Dent, is because you don't like comics, cartoons about comics, movies about comics, or you just hate Tommy Lee Jones so much that you forgot that he was Harvey Dent in the ridicoulus Batman Forever, ah and of course Mr. Dent is on The Dark Knight.

August 22, 2011

9 favorite Bogotá places

Yeah, I know guys, like 45 years I didn't put a shit in this blog... this starting blog, I know I could lose some potential readers, 'cause let’s face it, you don't want to read something funny, something interest, you just want to read something regular... regular about time, about making updates the day you are expecting it.

Ok, ok, ok, ok, is not that easy, actually you really want to read something entertaining, I'll try my best ok, but don't be mad if this is gonna fail.

So back on business, 9 places I love in this fuckin' town.

#9 Mundo Aventura Theme Park

August 1, 2011

This is the Colombia 2011 FIFA World 2 girls 1 Cup!

If you think that this update is gonna be about the matches, the scores and the news about the Under-20 World Cup that is happening right now in Colombia, you're terrible wrong.

Actually the first draft of this update was about that... but then when I put the title it was more like a critic to the government, because if you know what is 2girls1cup I can make a loooooot of euphemism about how we are something that the two girls are licking from the cup... but I guess you don't find that interesting, also I don't want to show only bad things about this town... 

July 25, 2011

One story about a pizdec night at Bogotá.

One in Bogotá always lives aware of the insecurity that plagues the country, sometimes I found myself like the worst of the paranoid, imagining  that at any moment something could happen, but don't get me wrong, this may be true anyway, anywhere, I think that the human race is a particularly violent, but how can I explain why I don't trust anybody? 

Is simple, I'm afraid of being hurt, but in any level, I don't want people to deceive me, or cheat on me, or hurt me, but it doesn't matter because I always trust in people, is funny 'cause it doesn't make any sense but I trust and don't trust people in the same amount.

There was a time when it didn't involve complicated hacking,
sex mini-games or federal hearings.

July 18, 2011

The Underdogs Weekend

Bogotá (and I guess all the country) was breathing victorious air, the match against Perú was highly anticipated, to be honest it wasn't with that hype because of the rival (Perú is a good team but is not the elite, honestly the elite is only Argentina and Brazil, the rest of us are merely mortals), the hype was because of the good moment of the national team. Colombian national team is like having a bitch for girlfriend, she said to you that she'll change, you don't believe it, but some weekend she make you scream via orgasm and then you trust her again, next weekend she cheat on you, and the story start over again.