August 22, 2011

9 favorite Bogotá places

Yeah, I know guys, like 45 years I didn't put a shit in this blog... this starting blog, I know I could lose some potential readers, 'cause let’s face it, you don't want to read something funny, something interest, you just want to read something regular... regular about time, about making updates the day you are expecting it.

Ok, ok, ok, ok, is not that easy, actually you really want to read something entertaining, I'll try my best ok, but don't be mad if this is gonna fail.

So back on business, 9 places I love in this fuckin' town.

#9 Mundo Aventura Theme Park

Is a nice place, and actually is really near to my home, is not as big as Salitre Mágico, and the rides are not that interesting but anyway I like it because one thing and one thing only, the tronquitos, a water roller coaster, that shit is awesome because if you don't know, this is a cold city, cold city plus a water ride means your chick gonna get wet... 100% guaranteed

#8 Simón Bolívar Park
Is our little Central Park, that nicest thing about this park is that is surrounded by a lot of interesting things, Salitre Mágico theme park, Child's Museum, a Sports village... so if you get bored of breathing nice air or stalking that hippie you like so much, you can go to the other places

#7 Quevedo's string? El Chorro de Quevedo
This is not a tourist advices blog, but here there is one for you my little capitalist visitor... WEED! El Chorro de Quevedo is a place stuck in time, what time? I don't have a clue! but is old, full of alcohol, vino, cerveza, guarapo, chicha... and of course your favorite dealers willing to take every penny from you  for the finest ganja of downtown

#6 Nemesio Camacho "El Campín" Stadium
I love this place because I hate it, here plays 2 of the 3 Bogota teams, Millonarios and Santa Fe, both losers from old times, actually they aren't losers, but they didn't win like ages ago... but anyway, is a god place to go and scream 'cause trust me, you always want to scream over there... they suck god dammit!!!!!

#5 National Park
There is something magical about this park, is a dangerous place if you go to the mountain, but is a calm place, a park where you can read, where you can play some football, futsal, hockey, tennis, run and hide, poke the fat woman, you can insult skaters, bikers, hippies, hobos, like I said before... magical!

#4 Luis Ángel Arango Library
Is a fuckin' library, there is a lot of books, like that one with the midgets and the wizard, or that one with the wolf and the red bitch...

#3 Any Movie Theater
I like movies so much that if movies were a religion I'd already burned myself down just to kill Michael Bay, there is a lot of good movie theaters in Bogotá, but my favorite one is Portal 80, because is the cheaper, and because near to that 3 fuckin' punks almost killed me

#2 My Bedroom
Like I said before, this is a blog about what I live here in this damned city, is not a tourist guide, because for sure if you come here I will not let you enter my room, is the quietest place in Bogotá, full of shit I like, like ps3, rockband, my laptop, my bed, comics, magazines, movies and of course an internet connection to download pr0n

#1 My Throne
My throne, I think like every throne in the world is so important, is a place to relax and to think, you can solve all the problems of the world sitting there while you take a dump, I figured it out how to spend my lotto money (if I win it someday), I solved the problem of how to avoid my brothers use my stuff, I planned how to destroy all the Venezuelan army, and of course I wiped my ass.

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