September 7, 2011

There is a Mountain that doesn't allow me to see the Andes

Watching a mountain everyday is a good thing? I don't know, I just realized today that I have a freakin' mountain in my window, why? I started to work in this office like 1 month ago, any previous work wasn't in that condition... geographically speaking, so is a curious thing that maybe that kind of details that some will enjoy, you just don't care at all.

So what is to being a tourist in this city? how the hell would I know? is my hometown I don't see this town the way a foreign can, it's impossible! I remember every single city I've visited until today, actually is a very short list, I love to travel, but travel doesn't like me, probably one also get used to travel, in a way that every single city looks just like another TV Channel, why we have to get used to things?

Even cows want to visit this city

I remember when I was a little kid, we only had 3 channels, Uno, Dos and Tres, they changed several times and right now are Uno, A and Señal Colombia, back in that time that was enough, we didn't need anything else... but then the peruvian tv came (the cable here was full of peruvian tv channels, some bolivian and venezuelan a few mexican and bandeirantes a brazilian channel) so the spectrum get bigger, it was a really nice thing to me, but then I grew up, I don't know if it was because of that, of because in many ways I hate peruvians, or just because I get used to see the same shit every day.

Why I hate peruvian tv? How the hell can you explain this to your children...
or Barney's lawyers

And that also happened with the radio, although that maybe happened 'cause the radio stations became sluts who only put whatever is mainstream *hipster alarm*, that happened with the play station one, the play station two, the reasonable explanation is that I had a lot of games and I've never finished a game properly, but there is also happening right now with the ps3, and I only have like 3 games!

But there is thing that I'll never get used to it, like traveling in a bus without falling asleep, sneezing with my eyes closed, and try to undress a hot woman... mentally obviously, is there any chance that we don't get used to something? my answer is I DON'T KNOW, I will try to see this city like a magnificent thing, like a city that make me happy and I want to visit every day, I will try... so I guess everytime I will look this fuckin' mountain I will smile because I will remember the hot woman that just crossed the room to close the window.

I think this is the way a mountain-woman should look like... hotwesome!

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