August 31, 2011

Harvey Dent for mayor of Bogotá - 01

So if you thought that this blog would be pretend to be funny every single time (notice the 'pretend' I know ain't funny at all) you're sadly wrong... let's be serious for a moment, maybe that way I can get more hits.

Anymilkyway, if you don't know who is Harvey Dent, is because you don't like comics, cartoons about comics, movies about comics, or you just hate Tommy Lee Jones so much that you forgot that he was Harvey Dent in the ridicoulus Batman Forever, ah and of course Mr. Dent is on The Dark Knight.

So what about Harvey Dent for Major? He's gonna expose two things about something in every edition, let's start with my city, so here we go, with two faces of Bogotá.

The first one is the bad face, it turns that not only in this city, in all this country we became apathetic about caring to each others, we don't care what happen to the people near to us, we only care about ourselves, and that's a bad thing but its a consequence of the internal war we have since 40 years ago, we don't care about death if is not to a close person, everysingle day the news make us numb about the massacres that ocurred in the country, we even don't respect the pain and the mourning of the people that are really involved in this kind of tragedies. Like 2 weeks ago a police killed a boy, 16 years old, who were painting a wall on a bridge, he started to run and the police shoot him twice from behind, the ballistic report says that it was 1,5 meters away, it was an execution, we don't know why this happened, and here is almost impossible to know that kind of things, the justice here is not only blind, is also retarded, the corruption is present in almost all the levels of the law & power... I don't want to take a wood and a stone and hit the streets to make a riot, but sometimes I wonder if we are capable of that, if we can unite under a feeling, I hope that that feeling will be hope, freedom or something that it worth to die for, but if stronger feelings like rage can't do a shit for us I think we're completely doomed... numb... dead inside.

But then you can find a light that illuminate all this city, sometimes that light is so soft that only a few can see it, so I really want to make this light stronger, the light I'm talking about is music, someday one friend posted a video on facebok, to be honest I didn't care so much about it, the name it was kinda pretencious but anyway I gave a try... god dammit what an awesome band! their name is Monsieur Periné they defined themselves as 'swing a la colombiana' and they really mean it, the mixed a lot of caribbean sounds with the french tendecy of the 30s, is a good thing notice this things in my city, they're really good, I don't like so much that kind of fusions and music in spanish, but I guess my colombian blood is raisin' recently because is not the only band that I love instantly from my country, the other one is Choc Quib Town, but that is a different story, so for now hit the music and enjoy... ladies and gentlemen La Muerte by Monsieur Periné.

1 comment:

Dennis Pazmiño said...

Nice writing. I completly agree with you regarding the violence we watch every single day. As you know, I'm not there, but since 2003 I try to look forward positive news from Colombia.

Nowadays we can share good news as well, the bad thing is que TV shows rarely show us good news.

Great post, greetings!